1 Timothy 4:15

" Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all." 1 Tim. 4:15

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Face book or not to Face book?

  Boasting somewhere around 300 million active users, a dedication that rivals that of Harry Potter fan clubs with 50% of it users logging on every day. A worldwide sociological foot print that draws in more than 70% of its users from outside the United States.
   Needless to say and nothing new; Facebook is an influential entity in our culture. Young people, old people and people from all different nations use Facebook.   
   Seeing that facebook is such a widely used networking platform and everyone and there dog uses it, could there be anything wrong with it? 
    Below is 4 things worth considering when using facebook.
1.        Although it is convenient to be able to contact your friends by the touch of a button, and super easy to check up on them, does “poking” someone really constitute as saying hello? Maybe sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we really are concerned with our friends when really we don’t want to spend the time in giving them a phone call or having coffee together.  
   If we are ever going to have a meaningful conversation or relationship sometimes it takes more than just a “poke”.
2.       I wonder if it is healthy to have access to everyone’s pictures of memories or experiences. Can we as “facebookers” abuse this ability? Can we be too concerned or interested in other people’s lives?
3.        Even though we are not talking face to face on facebook can we cross the unseen boundary lines of communication with the opposite sex on facebook? Can we be flirting when we shouldn’t be? Can we be talking more than we should be?  
4.        Some things should be kept private. We have to really consider what we want to communicate to the world. Not every picture, thought or concern should be shared.  In John 7:10 we see that Jesus did some thing’s privately without others. So think before you post…
   As technology ever advances we as Christians are forced to define what is morally acceptable in ways that we have never done before.  Facebook can be a great tool but as Paul said whether we eat or drink let it be to the Glory of God. So in the same way whether we facebook or whether we don’t let it be to the Glory of God.   

Thank you and my God cause you to have a deep hunger for the things of righteousness. 
Youth Pastor of Riverwalk Fellowship, C.C.Sortini 
View more postings like this at rthreeblog.blogspot.com


  1. Facebook seems like a big rest of someone's time in my opinion. With Facebook you're one click away of knowing someone's entire life situation because that person doesn't use discernment when loading inappropriate pics to their profile or posting something that really shouln't have been posted. With Facebook, you're just asking for trouble if you don't use it wisely.


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